A place to gather, inspire & allow more spaciousness into your home, body & heart.

Sculpt your Body with Gua Sha
Step 1: Apply your TEMPL Rose Body Oil over your entire body and massage into the skin.   When performing this self-love practice and working with the Gua Sha we recommend using a light to firm pressure. Use a lighter...
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Learn the Art of Body Brushing
First, make sure your skin is completely dry. Using firm pressure, you may notice some redness as you start to encourage the blood flow to the surface.  The best time to dry skin brush is before a shower - first...
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Learn the Art of Self Massage
Benefits of Abhyanga - Self Massage Abhyanga is an Ayurvedic practice which restores the balance of the doshas, enhancing overall wellbeing. Traditionally Abhyanga is practiced with warm oil in which you anoint your entire body from head to toe. The...
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